Banned Books Week 2010 Round-Up

Hey all!  I got a pretty good response to my Banned Books Week challenge.  I’m glad to know there are so many people willing to fight to keep good books on library shelves.  Hell, even willing to fight to keep not so good books on the shelves!

The following is a list of awesome sauce bloggers who participated in this event and wrote their own Banned Books Week posts:

Seriously, I can’t thank everyone enough for participating.  I had some other really great words to say about banned books and intellectual freedom.  And I did write them just a little bit ago.  But Blogger (has anyone else been having major Blogger issues recently?) decided it would NOT publish my post, and then when I went to hit save, it wouldn’t save my most recent changes.  Including the really great bit I wrote about banned books.  Anyway, it’s now well after ten p.m. and I don’t have the energy.  So, in a nutshell censoring books=bad, intellectual freedom=good.

So.  What about this giveaway of a signed copy of Bridge to Terabithia?  Here’s what I did.  I assigned a number to everyone who participated.  And you got as many numbers as you had BBW posts.  Then I used a random number generator to choose the big winner.

  1. Caryn
  2. Caitlin
  3. Michelle
  4. Jille
  5. Moxobee
  6. Moxobee
  7. Amber (class bookworm)
  8. Amber (Class bookworm)
  9. Tracy
  10. Alison
  11. Alison
  12. Alison
  13. Alison
  14. Amber (Nostomanic)
  15. Satia
  16. Satia
  17. The Englishist

Even though I liked Alison’s odds, the random number generator chose number….8!  Congrats to Amber, the Class Bookworm!  Send me an email with your address and I’ll get the book sent out as soon as possible.
Bridge to terabithia

    About nikkihb

    Wife. Mother. Reader. Blogger.
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    11 Responses to Banned Books Week 2010 Round-Up

    1. Akilah says:

      The Englishist = AkilahI'm excited to read everyone else's posts. Whooo!

    2. moxobee says:

      Thanks for starting this project, Nikki! It was a lot of fun re-reading and letting the righteous indignation run free. And as an added bonus I can now read all the other posts people have written!

    3. Satia says:

      Well, technically my review included Weetzie Bat, another book that has been banned, and a reference to Are You There God? It's Me Margaret, yet another Blume banned book. (Can you believe I also deleted references to Deenie? And I think my original draft had another book mentioned but I deleted blocks of text for the sake of my reader's sanity. Yes, one reader because I swear I usually only have one, sometimes two.)And I love what you said about "don't forget the ellipses" . . . made me snort aloud. See? I use them. I even use them incorrectly and everything! I'm off to start reading everyone else's posts.

    4. RMb says:

      this is great!! thanks for sharing. i'm off to check out everyone's blogs now.

    5. magnolia says:

      seriously. where's waldo. good. freaking. god.

    6. nikki says:

      Satia- Sorry! I freaking knew I was going to miss out on someone's post.

    7. Caitlin says:

      Yay! I'm glad I had the chance to get my feet wet in book blogging. It's way harder than TV blogging. Nikki, I would have posted this a few hours ago, but I'm celebrating our KICKASS win over Pittsburgh!

    8. nikki says:

      Oh Caitlin, no hatin' but we're actually a Steelers household. Well, my husbans and son are. I'm only in to baseball & soccer

    9. Caitlin says:

      Ohhh…well…it was a fun win for me. At least we can commiserate about our terrible baseball teams 🙂

    10. nikki says:

      Caitlin – I'm definitely an O's fan. My husband is a Pirates fan. I can't even complain about my terrible team having twelve straight losing seasons, because he's like "SEVENTEEN. SEVENTEEN losing seasons. Suck it, bitch."OK, he doesn't say that exactly. But the point is there. And well-taken. We're part way through watching Ken Burns' Tenth Inning (sequel to his fantastic early 90's doc Baseball) and I admit I was tearing up during the Cal Ripken part. A nice comparison to gnashing my teeth during the part about the 94 strike.

    11. Pingback: Obligatory Banned Books Week post | Are You There Youth? It's Me, Nikki

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