Help me decide what to read

My baby is now three months old and I’m finally getting back my ability to think and concentrate.  That means I’m very nearly finished the book I started reading a week before he was born.  (Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness, which is the third book in the Chaos Walking Triology.  If you like Hunger Games, please check out Chaos Walking!) While my ability to think is returning, my ability to make decisions isn’t.  Seriously, my family is lucky I’m able to decide what to make for dinner each day.

Anyway. Since I’m getting back into the swing of reading, and since I went on a book-buying binge shortly before my second was born, I have a huge TBR pile.  And I need everyone’s help deciding what to read.  (Note: this is not reading for the blog, this is my real reading.  Next up on the blog will either be Welcome to the BSC Abby or The Chicken Pox Papers.) I’ve narrowed my list of contenders down to the following.  Vote for one, and if you feel particularly strongly about your choice, leave me a comment.  I’ll read whichever gets the most votes, or has the most passionate comments.  Thanks loves!

About nikkihb

Wife. Mother. Reader. Blogger.
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12 Responses to Help me decide what to read

  1. Caroline says:

    That was tough! I went with one of the John Greens, but there are so many good choices on your TBR pile…

  2. I went with Looking for Alaska. I tried to read An Abundance of Katherines once and couldn’t get past the first chapter. Then again, I may have been in a bad mood that day.

    So happy you and the fam are doing well! And book buying binges rock! I recently went on one…well, they were ebooks, but it was still fun. I get nervous when my TBR pile gets too small, because I am just that nerdy.

  3. The Sweetest says:

    I read Geek Love years ago and loved it. I just finished reading Bloodroot, and it was awesome.

  4. Carrie, yo sistah says:

    Geek Love was super good!

  5. Michelle says:

    Ouch, I haven’t read any of these. Looking forward to reading the analysis of whatever you do pick 🙂

  6. brista says:

    Looking for Alaska was really good! I really enjoyed it.

  7. Jennifer says:

    Definitely Geek Love, I just finished it last week and loved it.

  8. Casey says:

    Looking for Alaska is fantastic. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read, with the perfect combination of humor and tragedy.

  9. Anndy says:

    The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate is ADORABLE and awesome. It’s along the same lines of the Penderwick books by Jeannie Birdsall, if you’ve read those. Do it!

  10. jennifer says:

    I know I am in the minority here, but I was so underwhelmed by Looking for Alaska. Maybe because every raved about it. I probably built it up too much.

  11. alex says:

    Looking for Alaska is great BUT Geek Love is one of my fave books EVER! It’s a toss up!

  12. lindsey says:

    i voted for vonnegut because i love him. but really i want to select ‘other’, and recommend kafka on the shore, by haruki murakami..a most excellent read.

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